Welcome to second semester!
Students who had Info Media first semester are now in Art. Eighth grade art class (hooray, I have 8th grade again!) is every day for the entire semester. Sixth grade classes are on an every other day (A/B day) schedule. Phy Ed. will stay the same for them, but on days they were going to Info Media, they will now come to Art.
I'm really excited to see all the fabulous talent that will be coming in. This week will be focused on getting to know the students and going over some basic procedures. We'll be making "Panther Paws" as our first warm-up activity. The students only need to bring a pencil every day (hence the name of the blog). I highly recommend that students keep a few pencils in the art room. I have a special storage spot behind my desk that they can access their pencils. I know this seems like a small point, but having a pencil is half of being prepared for class. Also due by Feb. 3rd is the Art Contract. This just explains to parents/guardians ways to get ahold of me, what we're going to do in class, and general procedures. Please remind your students to show you this, have it signed, and returned by next week Friday.
The Specialists here at West have come up with a new system for serving detentions. We will be calling home whenever a student receives a detention (ie tardy more than three times, extreme disruptions etc..). Students will have a week to serve the detention before it becomes a referral for lunch detentions (until the original detention is served). Students have morning, lunch, and after school options for serving their detentions, so hopefully no one will be recieving a referral.